Platform for the support of loyalty programs, coupons, tickets and financial interaction of diverse partners.
DigSee Processing allows arranging financial interaction between customers and various partners. Actually this is the way of inter-emitter interaction, with incorporated functions of billing, exchange and SMS/push notifications platform.
It has a number of uses:
We have partnered with inCust company to offer you an affordable service of customer loyalty program construction. Loyalty programs allow customers to come back to you again and again but their common way of implementation requires the installation of special terminals and cardreaders, issuing and processing of cards. inCust company has launched an innovative approach involving NO PLASTIC CARD REQUIRED by customer. Customer’s cellular phone NUMBER acts as his UNIVERSAL DISCOUNT CARD. at the same time. DigSee company has supplemented inCust platform with own technology of customer interaction channel construction, as well as pnone/tablet based modules of field staff automation. What it looks like from the customers side? During purchase, he is offered to either put the bonus to his virtual card linked to his phone number, or install special software to his smartphone. On his next visit he can spell his phone number (or just show the smartphone screen) and get the option to spend his bonuses. We are ready to provide this loyalty program in turnkey mode with free implementation.
Processing platform allows using the same engine for more complex operations. If our customer wishes to combine different loyalty programs using different cards into single system, we can set up such a partner interaction and process other issuer’s card at retail point.
DigSee Processing supports the organization of goods shipping or service provision on prepayment base with no physical cards or coupons issued.
For example, we have purchased 1000 l via non-cash payment from gas station operator and wishing to use this network for future fueling. No coupons are required for this purpose; it is enough to register drivers’ phone numbers and corresponding limits.
Certain partner is able to sell or present his goods or services to customers over the other partner’s network.
Example: Becoming our customer? Please take our gift of UAH 10 to spend in xxx shops and yyy cafes.
Example: This customer is the owner off zzz fuel card. He is travelling along the route abroad and may use this card to fuel his car and stay in hotels.
DigSee Processing offers several different options of inter-partner interaction.
Example: the customer uses his mobile phone to order a taxi. This order is transferred to a number of taxi services and automatically – to drivers’ phones. Drivers take order on the principle “first-come, first-served”, then the order price is calculated using taxi service tariffs subject to all commissions.
FMCG manufacturer can encourage retailer to sell his goods directly.
Solution 1: Manufacturer provides distributing partner’s sales agents with our order collection and merchandising complex, MobileSOP. When sales agent is coming to retail point to take the order for the distributor, the application offers discount to this point from behalf of manufacturer.
Solution 2: Manufacturer provides the end customer with a gift coupon. Upon registration the customer gets direct discount equal to coupon value within retailer partner networks. Retailers are using inCust, the unified system for bonus processing.
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