DigSee SURE:

Mobile surveys

The solution for surveys and marketing research on-the-go using smartphones, as well as for the input of reports and various forms

Digsee Sure is the unified efficient platform supporting the filling of forms, questionnaires and reports on mobile phone and tablet. Mass input of questionnaires in the office.

DigSee Sure solution is able to significantly cut your time and financial costs and improve the efficiency, at the same time providing the opportunity to flawlessly enter the results of the meeting, analyse the quality of data right where it is necessary, right during the conversation with a customer/respondent.

The employee will use his tablet/phone to easily and accurately fill the form prepared in remote office, and then wirelessly transfer it for the further analysis.

        The solution consists of:
  • Server workplace with form editor;
  • Mobile component for Android;
  • Optional network workplaces for office operators



Digsee Sure allows to:

      Quickly create templates for any type of questionnaires, forms or reports;
      Ensure fast distribution of freshly created template among mobile representatives by uploading the necessary data to their phones/tablets locally at the office or remotely;
      Fill the form/questionnaire right during the conversation with a customer/respondent and immediately transfer the results to back office;
      Effectively arrange the form input from multiple office workplaces connected by LAN;
      Manage the distributed form input from geographically remote workplaces and from different departments;
      Store the collected information in the central database with the option of quick search over the whole base and convenient edit of data arrays;
        Export the collected data for processing by other software packages, such as MS Office (Excel, Access) or other ones.
You can download the try-before-you-buy version of application on Play Market for free. The trial version is available for download at sure.digsee.com
    • SURE makes possible creation of templates and data input for any forms, reports, and questionnaires. The information scope (number of forms) is limited only by the available resources of one’s PC.
    • SURE provides convenient tools for data editing and takes advantages of powerful navigating through the form arrays.
    • SURE is equipped with means of a syntactical and logical control of forms entry.
    • SURE allows simultaneous input by several operators.
    • SURE provides a possibility of aggregated data export into SPSS, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Excel.
    • SURE smoothly integrates with existing in-house systems.
    • SURE operates in the unified Microsoft Windows environment.