DigSee Ltd was established in January, 2002 by Maxim Ronshin. Nowadays, DigSee company is among world’s innovators on the market of mobile solutions since the moment of pocket/handheld devices appearance. We have started to develop and implement our mobile solutions from the very beginning of company creation, initially – on PocketPC and terminals, then on tablets and phones, and now – on portable and integrated devices. From the first month of our existence our goal is to develop only solutions that are necessary for our customers. We were growing on sales agent automation, and then there were merchandising and retail audit, service, mobile communication operators, warehouses, nuclear and water power plants. We have been always focused on customer’s “mobilisation” project implementation, when employee, truck or goods are leaving the office area and there is the necessity to: organise the process, collect/represent the data, and perform audit or sales operation.

We are servicing both minor companies and world leaders. Our pool consists of hundreds of various solutions and configurations.
When we cannot find the equipment exactly fitting the needs of our customers, we are starting to manufacture it by ourselves. That’s how PosPack – the line of mobile printers for van based sales, or visitor counters ViziCounter were created.
We are the owners of various patents, for example – the technology of electronic digital stamp, and a number of author’s certificates in the area of intellectual property. Trademarks, such as MobileSOP, MobilEntry, MobileInsurer, are registered on DigSee company.
We are always focused on result, that’s why in most cases we are offering the solution based on the lease. I.e. you are describing your tasks and goals you are pursuing, and we are providing you with ready-to-use turnkey solution providing for minor monthly fee. Along with that, we will provide you with our cloud solutions, servers, mobile device licenses.
At the same time we will supply you with a special personal configuration including only those elements that are necessary for you.
How long does it take to launch a project? For example, one of the most popular task – lease-based retail audit or medical representative automation – will be launched within a month. In most cases, for a week or two we are configuring the solution together with the customer, and then, within day or two, performing its launch.
Feel free to contact us, even if you are only wishing to get a consultation. We’ll appreciate your call and do our best to satisfy your request.